The Registry shows seven of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Georgia, a sexual predator is an individual who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.
The Registry also shows 38 of these sex offenders are currently incarcerated.
Sex offenders in Georgia remain on the Sexual Offender Registry for life unless removed by a court order or other legal means. Any individual who fails to register when required shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
If a sex offender moves to another county in the state of Georgia or another state in the US, they are required to register with the Sheriff in their new county or state of residence., a security think tank, found the number of sex offenders in the US increases by roughly 32,000 a year.
Offender | Status | Crime |
Abdul Raufe Hampton | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Alexander Tracy Bell | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Alton Reese McKinley | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Amos Clark | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious act on a victim under 16 |
Andrew Neil Patterson | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Angela Michelle Huey | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Anthony Bell | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Anthony Glenn Bowen | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Anthony Monte Purifoy | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Antonio Ferdinand Draggs | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Antonio Rapheal Clark | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Arthur Wayne Streetman | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Benetez Rayun Parker | Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Benjamin Larry Reece | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Billy Joe Fuller Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Brad Ellis Kerr | Not Incarcerated | Oral copulation with a person under 18 years of age |
Brandon Nicholas Eldridge | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Brian Anthony Gibson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Brittany Roxanne Marsh | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Bruce D. Roberts | Not Incarcerated | Lewd act upon a minor |
Calvin B. Weems | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Cameron Jay Eldredge | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Carl Henderson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Cary William Deeter Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Cathy Lorrine Pierce | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Cecil Lendell Johnson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Charles Edward Bean | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Charles Edward Thornton | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Charles Harvey Ellis | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Leon Redding | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Christie Ann Pollard | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christine Melnee Wilson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christopher Charles Miller | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Christopher David Hemphill | Not Incarcerated | Solicitation of a minor to commit sexual assault of a child |
Christopher Isaiah Gordy | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Christopher Melvin Brownlee | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Christopher Michael Stevens | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Christopher Paul Reed | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual assault minor |
Christopher Randolph Parks | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Christopher Thomas Ivey | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Clayton William Mills | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Claywell Robert Turner | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual assault of a child |
Clifford Steven Turocy | Not Incarcerated | Pandering sexually oriendted matter involving a minor by sexual motivation |
Conrad Thomas Frykman | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Corey Nelms Daniel | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Cornelius Shauntae Smith | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Daniel Marquise Head | Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Daniel Stewart Lawson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Darius Gene Davis | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Darrick Lynn Hardin | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Darrin Moye Guthrie | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Darryl Tommy Chappell | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct second degree |
David John Gunter | Not Incarcerated | Lewdness involving a child |
Deandre Reshad Maddox | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Deaundre Jaquarius Brown | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Demerius Travon Berry | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Demetrius Earl Johnson | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Dennis Oneal Cooper | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Dennis Scott Graham | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Desmond Raeshun White | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Dexter Bernard Brownlee | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Dionisio R. Ortiz | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Don Sherwood Hunsucker | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Donell Cary Puckett | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Duane Maloy | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Dustin Charles Adkerson | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Eddie Leroy Ray | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery on a minor |
Edmund Wayne Shaw | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Elan Zeb Elliott | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ethan Ian Johnson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Everett Wayne McCollum | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Frank Stuart Thompson | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Frankie Hugh Maddox | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Franklin Edward Carr | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Fred Alton McClain | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Freddie Kim Skrine | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Garry Lee Dockery | Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Gary Elvin Pitts | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Gary Wayne Rutledge | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
George Bernard Braydon | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
George Michael Cloffey | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual assault |
Gerald Clifford Darley | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Gerald Douglas Glenn | Incarcerated | Sexual battery by a familial authority |
Gerald Lee Newell | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Grady Laverne Merit | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious conduct with a victim under 16 years of age by an offender 18 years of age or older |
Gregory Alan Doddo | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Henry Richard Smallwood | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Herman Lamar Copeland | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault/overcoming victims will |
Howard Lester Rollins | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Hugh Alton Davis | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault, abuse 1st degree |
Isotta F. Dewberry | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Jake Hayden Clonts | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
James Ace Oliver | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
James Angelo Mack | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
James Edward Watson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated rape |
James Franklin Wilson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
James Kenneth Butler | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Randall Boothe | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Janithia Latrese Jones | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jarvis Lee Glenn | Not Incarcerated | Rape of a child |
Jefferson Ramirez | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious battery sexual act with a victim 12 to 15 years of age |
Jeffery Don Wilson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jeffery Owens | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Jeffrey Leroy Johnston Jr. | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jennifer Anne Blackmon | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jeremiah Dwayne Martin | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Jerome Peeples | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Jessie Irvin Carter | Not Incarcerated | Indecent liberty with a minor |
Jessie Lee White | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Jimmy Wayne Pierce Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Allen Bailey | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Johnny Napolean Furlow | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jonathan Antoine Miles | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jonathan Shane Abernathy | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jordan Lee Mitchell | Not Incarcerated | Federal conviction |
Joseph Earl Giles | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Nickel | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph William Davis | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Joshua Lee Lewis | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Joshua Leon Slack | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kartavious Rayshad Goodman | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kaylon Laushonn Dewberry | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Kendrick Lanell Tiller | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kendrick Monquell Cheeves | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kenneth Douglas Black | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Kenneth Gerald Holcomb | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Kenny Richard Ford | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Kerry Dwight Head-Albright | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kevin George Jones | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kip Lee Hollis | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Lakeithdrick Demarcus Webb | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Larry Don Henderson | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery coerces by threatening |
Larry James Williamson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Leslie Patton | Not Incarcerated | Lewd and lascivious assault |
Lonnie Grant Allen | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mario Alcides Mujica | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Mark Neal | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mark William Holland | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 1st degree |
Marvin James Bankston | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Matthew Daniel Ellerbee | Not Incarcerated | Federal conviction |
Michael Anthony Fambro | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Damien Nolan | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Michael Deweese Smith | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Michael Favors | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Michael Jerome Moore | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Michael Lee Mulkey | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Lynn Cain | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Nathan Anthony Christensen | Not Incarcerated | Possession of a photo showing sexual performance by a child |
Nicholas Alexander Breland | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Patrick Lee Littles | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Patrick Louis Keys | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Pennell Lewis Evans | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Perry Keith Williams | Not Incarcerated | Out of state offender - sexual offense |
Phillip K. Bancroft III | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Phimus Shavar Clements | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Quadrin Jonquel Whitner | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ralph Dexter Bridges Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ralph Edward Phillips | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ralph Vincent Foster | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Ramon Valez Holland | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ramonte Aquille Butler | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Randall Crys Hubbard | Not Incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Randi Cavel Shane Myers | Not Incarcerated | Rape 2nd degree |
Randy Montero Heflin | Not Incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Randy Montero Maddox | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Randy Whitaker | Incarcerated | Rape |
Ray Charles Smith | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Reginald Brassell | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Reginald Keith Miller | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Renwick Darell Pollard | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Richard Clinton Concklin | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Richard Jason Gill | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Richard Morton Pace | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Rickey Blandenburg Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Robbie Lee Tinsley | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Robert Aaron Wood | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Robert Adam Copeland Sr. | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Robert Christopher Russell | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Robert Gene Clanton | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Robert Kenneth Gaddy | Not Incarcerated | Sexual abuse 1st degree |
Robert L. Connell | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Robert L. Humphries | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 1st degree |
Robert Lee Cole Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Robert Lee Moore | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Robert Lee Smith | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Robert Theodore Hawn | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Rodney Jerome Sampson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Samuel Anthony Morgan Sr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Sherl Lafay Theard | Not Incarcerated | Distribution of obscene material to minors, permitting a child to participate/produce obscene media |
Stephen Dwayne Sampler | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Stephen Tingle | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Steven Dale Morrison | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Steven Wayne Shelton | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Stevie Dellie Rickman | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Taurus Lamar Russell | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Tavis Maurez Wilder | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Taylor William Schoonover | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Terry Anthony Sampson | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Terry Lamar Cox | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Terry Michael Montgomery Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Theodore Ralph Horne | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Thollors Remond Tyus | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Thomas Chad Robinette | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Thomas Spencer Brown | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Thomas Zephinor Tidwell | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Timothy Labron Woodard | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Timothy Long Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Timothy Marion Hughes | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Timothy Steven McDaniel | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Timothy Wayne Waltman | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Tony Curtis Googe | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Tony James Roberts Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Tremain Sullivan | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Trenton Eugene Thomas | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Vernal Edley Jones | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 3rd degree |
Vernon Adolph Ingram III | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Walter Randolph Pike | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Wayne Lamar Leach Jr. | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
William David Wilson | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
William Herbert Wooten | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
William Jason Linton | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
William Jay Cahill | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Lee Michaels | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Obrien Shaw | Not Incarcerated | Indecent exposure |
William Roy Argo | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Willie James Clark | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Willie James Tucker Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Willie Randy Boatner | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Xavier Cruz-Vega | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Zackery Ryan Combs | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |